internet censorship....
what is internet censorship?
you can simply know that by imagining facing this on every popular site
and this every time you use the internet telling you that you are exposed to every single bit ...
or maybe this even if it was another google search mistake....
yes.... internet censorship means you are on the net ; you are watched and controlled .
at first i want to say that who gave them the right to watch you while you are on the net?
who gave them the right to block every single site only because it have any political or "extra unneeded information" such as wikipedia .
i mean when they made the internet as WWW "WORLD WIDE WEB" thy made it free for all!
it is not only for a political reasons.. i mean dear leaders facebook,youtube and others believe me wont take your chairs!
here in Syria when you set up an internet connection at home it comes with a CD full of proxy programs and VPN tunnels because it just internet wont work!
facebook WAS blocked but now finally you can see the start page when you sign in and when you sign in you can wait for hours and then get errors! without mentioning the fake facebook SSL and stealing your personal data even passwords.
you can find this kind of internet at China , Iran,Syria,Vietnam and many others but not like those. they are wasting the quality of internet for the security.
but now US is going to make an American censorship?
please go to mozilla and start to help!
but you know when governments block sites and pass your privacy they are really not caring about you .. it is only for the "security reason" or "security routine/protocol". and if you thought it wont hurt you.. well it hurts a lot of other people and it did.......
what is internet censorship?
you can simply know that by imagining facing this on every popular site
and this every time you use the internet telling you that you are exposed to every single bit ...
or maybe this even if it was another google search mistake....
yes.... internet censorship means you are on the net ; you are watched and controlled .
at first i want to say that who gave them the right to watch you while you are on the net?
who gave them the right to block every single site only because it have any political or "extra unneeded information" such as wikipedia .
i mean when they made the internet as WWW "WORLD WIDE WEB" thy made it free for all!
it is not only for a political reasons.. i mean dear leaders facebook,youtube and others believe me wont take your chairs!
here in Syria when you set up an internet connection at home it comes with a CD full of proxy programs and VPN tunnels because it just internet wont work!
you can find this kind of internet at China , Iran,Syria,Vietnam and many others but not like those. they are wasting the quality of internet for the security.
but now US is going to make an American censorship?
please go to mozilla and start to help!
but you know when governments block sites and pass your privacy they are really not caring about you .. it is only for the "security reason" or "security routine/protocol". and if you thought it wont hurt you.. well it hurts a lot of other people and it did.......
Tal al Mallouhi is a Syrian blogger from Homs. She is considered the World's youngest prisoner of conscience. |
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